Teachers’ Pages

Lower Farm


The old farmhouse that Lower Farm Estate got its name from was still standing until the 1950’s, when it was demolished. The farmhouse was at least a few hundred years old but some local historians believe that it was medieval, which would make it around 600 years old.

The farmhouse stood in what is now Stoney Lane. Some say it was the main farmhouse and others that it was a farm workers cottage. It was still lived in around 1900 but there are few records about who lived in the building.


Historians have found that the first available records for Lower Farm show that in 1841 it was owned by a local farmer and publican Charles Beech.


If you know any more about the occupants of the farm or have any old photographs that we could include here, please contact us by e-mail at web@lower-farm.walsall.sch.uk or by speaking to Mrs Stanley at the office and leaving a message for Mrs King (preferably written and with your contact name and number).


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