School Council

Minutes of meeting 21/9/04

1.         Role of school council reps  Mr Baker (JB) outlined the reps role - pupils having a say in the running of the school. JB explained that the school may not be able to do some things because of laws or money. Asked children to watch out for rule breaking and asked them to set a good example to their class, to be a role model of good behaviour.

2.         Corridor Monitors – reps were asked to be corridor monitors. JB asked them to be fair to all children. Reps will have a book to record names of anyone running in corridors, not keeping left or breaking any of the school rules.

3.         Class Charters – asked for reps to remind class teachers to draw up Class Charters that all children and adults can agree to for their classrooms. A copy to be given to AK/IB

4.         Drinks in Classrooms – JB reported that he had looked into water machines for each room and they would cost £300 per room. The school has not got the money to be able to do this for 15 classrooms (£4500). JB suggested that the school could organise water bottles for sale at 75p each that would have space for children to write their names onto the bottle. It was suggested that school council reps could fill the bottles for children before school and at dinnertime if necessary.

Organisation of bottles in classes was discussed and it was decided that each class should organise them as appropriate to their desk organisation and children’s and teacher’s preference.

A majority of the council voted for having bottles that the children could buy.

It was agreed that no other drinks should be allowed in school for playtimes. Drinks for dinnertime should be kept in sandwich boxes/ bags. It was suggested that school council reps could monitor the use of water bottles at playtimes.

5.         Feedback from classes

            a.  Children have asked that chairs should not be stacked higher than 5 chairs per stack in classes

                 and that children should not be allowed to carry more than 2 chairs at a time. All teachers

                 present agreed that this should not be happening and asked that reps remind their classmates

                 and their teachers about safety rules if they see this happening.


            b.  Dinnertime table layout – some children do not like the new layout. The school council reps

                 voted – 18 in favour of the new layout and 3 against. They also suggested that it was because 

                 they were in classes now – they voted 12 were for being in classes and 10 were against and

                would like to go back to mixed age groups.


            c. Children asked for a way that they can leave messages in confidence for a teacher to read about

                incidents or bullying without other children knowing. It was suggested that AKs e-mail

                address could be more widely published for this purpose.


            d. a rep asked if paper can be brought in from home to put in the recycling bins. Unfortunately the

                  answer had to be no because we only have enough bins for the number of people in school.


            e. a rep reported that some children are taking milk at dinnertime when they have not paid for it.

                  All reps were asked to be vigilant and report any children doing this to the dinner staff as this 

                  is stealing.



Next Meeting – Tuesday 19th October (last Tuesday in the month)



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