School Council

Minutes of meeting 30/11/04

1.            Welcome to Josh Rochelle-Bates from JB as new rep for Apollo Class following the resignation of George Kimberley.


2.            Everyone is happy with Playground Friends but would like them to receive more training to remind them that they need to involve anyone who is lonely in their play. Reps like the idea of the children leading the play rather than being on duty like the teachers. Reps want the friends to join in rather than stand and watch.


3.            Water bottles – still some children bringing in squash instead of water. JB will try to organise water fountains. Reps to remind classes that only water should be in bottles in class.


4.            Snack – working better but still a problem reported by Earth class. Good practice shared with their reps from other classes and IB to speak to their teacher. JB reminded reps about the new payment system and asked them to remind their classmates.


5.            Reps voted on changing the Duty Rota - 10 for 2 council members on together  / 12 for a friend on duty with them. Therefore the rota will stay as it is but reps may ask one friend to keep them company.


6.            Children agreed to record only children break the rules 3 times or more in the books to help Mrs King.


7.            Class charters  - reps agreed to chase up the missing charters for the file


8.            Health and Safety Week – good feedback from the reps, they enjoyed it and there was a unanimous vote for another week. Reps asked if we could keep reminding children about Health and Safety issues. JB asked for ideas for future weeks – reps suggested Living Things, Theatre, Religion, Rocks around the country. JB asked reps to go back to classes and ask the other children for ideas and feed these back to JB, IB or AK


9.            AOB

·        Reps asked for School Council monitors for the Hall because they have noticed that children are running through the Hall.

·        Reps asked for arrows in the library to be renewed

·        More dinner monitors requested – not council reps and only for dinner times.

·        Reps felt that other children don’t know who the school council reps are and they would like recognition –  JB to ask reps to stand up in next Monday’s assembly and organise badges for them.


Next Meeting will be on Tuesday 25th January 2005


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