School Council

Minutes of meeting 24/5/05

1.            Last Minutes – minutes were read through and reps agreed that this was an accurate record of the last meeting

2.            Matters arising - KS2 Toys  these have now arrived and are in use. Reps reported that there are a number of Year 6 children using the toys out of turn. Problems of children hiding toys and pushing to go first were discussed and it was decided that the storage area for the toys needs to be changed so that the children cannot get to the toys both play. Playground friends should get the toys out and put them away. AK to find a suitable adult supervised place for the toys to be kept..

3.            Tamagotchis reps reported that these are still causing problems in lessons / distracting children from learning. Reps voted 18 for a ban and 2 against. 2 reps abstained. One rep suggested that there could be a club like trading card club. Josh to approach GH about combining trading card and tamagotchis into her club. IB will be the official keeper of illegal tamagotchis – they will be returned to the child’s parents in an envelope

4.            Scoobies – these are not for charity and they are causing problems in class with children fiddling and disrupting lessons. Daniel suggested that he and his friends could make some and sell them during ‘Around the World Week’ IB has seen 100 for £5. Other reps said that they would find out the prices from the places they have seen them for sale. Reps agreed that scoobies made into bracelets, neckbands, or other items to wear are jewellery and therefore against the school rules. Reps to monitor the level of disruption scoobies are causing and to feedback to the next meeting.

5.            Snack/fruit – Mrs Baker has bought cereal bars but children can then only have 1 item because they are expensive. Children who want a drink as well must have a drink from the water fountain. Year 1 /2 reps will ask their teacher snad classes what they think about having just fruit like they did when they were in Reception. Year 5 /6 suggested that left over fruit could be put into the boxes daily instead of just at the end of the week. Reps also asked if Mrs Baker could find out how much apples would cost as an alternative in the boxes.

6.            Cross Curricular Weeks – Josh offered to do a presentation of his experiences in Morocco for the reception class. IB asked reps to come up with ideas for projects they could share with other classes Daniel said he would like to do a presentation about countries that need our help for an assembly. IB announced that all Y 5 /6 children will be going to QMs International Day

7.            Water Bottles – JB still looking into the cost and companies that supply water fountains

8.            Hall – Work will be starting at the end of July

9.            School Dinners – one rep complained that the trays are always dirty. IB said that he would pass on this complaint. One Year 2 rep complained that because Reception always go first they don’t always get a choice. IB to complain about this. Reps reported that there is a lot of rubbish on the Hall floor and children and kicking around bottle caps under the tables. Some children are unhappy about others asking to swap food. AK suggested that this problem be put in the next newsletter.  All reps reported that they are happy with the changes in the food. They feel that they are much better.


Date for the next meeting – Tuesday 21st June

To be discussed – Toys being brought into school


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