School Council

Minutes of meeting 29/3/06

Playground Facilities

Mr Bolton reported that the new playground extension was to be resurfaced before Easter. Children expressed the view that on completion there would be an opportunity to have new games or activities set up on the playground and the friendship bench be re-established.

Travel Plan Advisors Visit

Richard Clarke and Mr R Roan from the Road Safety and Traffic Engineering team joined the meeting.

They discussed the issue of road safety and traffic control on the Stafford Road (A34)/ Sanstone Road junction. The pavement areas and pedestrian crossing may need widening if cycling to school or a walking bus were to be promoted. He suggested that the road be narrowed from 7.3 to 6.5m in order to widen the pavements. The Pelican Crossing would not, in Mr Roan’s view, need to be widened from the present 3m. He did suggest that the road narrowing and changed zig-zags would help traffic. It was decided to survey the road again before making decisions.


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