School Council

Minutes of meeting 24/5/05

1.            Toys in school – Comet class want Tamaogotchis back. Light sabers out of cereals were asked to keep them at home because they were used to hurt another child. One rep suggested that we have a collection of small toys in school in the Quiet Area instead for playtimes and ask children not to bring in their own. IB and AK to look into this

2.            KS2 Toys  now working

3.            Tamagotchis  - some children are still bringing in tamagotchis. AK to do a reminder to staff about them being banned.

4.            Scoobies – remind children about not making them in class or wear them as jewllery. If they are causing a problem in class then report this to the class teacher.

5.            Cross Curricular Weeks – Daniel to approach Mrs Broughton about doing an assembly. Any last minute ideas need to be taken to Mrs Broughton

6.            Water Bottles – JB saw a cooled water fountains rep to be placed around the school and have water bottles that children can buy like they can a book bag.

7.            School Dinners – IB reported the dirty trays complaint to Dinner ladies. Reps reported that cutlery is still not clean and some trays are not clean. IB to go back to the dinner ladies and report this.

8.            AOB – performing arts week suggested by Josh. Or some sort of talent show. Year 6 leavers bowling event will be looked into.

9.            Some children are sitting at the top end of the hall who are having dinners. AK asked reps to ask these children to come and she her to be moved.

10.        Bikes – we do want you to come to school on your bike but please wheel your bike along the path and walk you bike out of school to avoid any danger of accidents with people walking.

Date for the next meeting – Tuesday 12th  July


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