School Council

Minutes of meeting 25/1/05

1.            Corridor Monitoring - Mr Baker said thank you to all School Council members for their help in monitoring the corridors and filling in the record books. He feels that this is working very well and that the reps are being very sensible in their approach to this job.

2.            Friendship Bench – Council reps felt that will be very helpful for the Playground Friends to see who is feeling lonely and needs their support. Reps asked for a quiet area to be established on the playground away from the play area or indoors in winter. Several reps volunteered to organise a resources box for children to have access to drawing and colouring materials that they can use at playtime.  Maurica will take charge of organising this.

3.            Playground tidiness – lunch boxes, bottles etc are being left in the racks at the end of the dinner hour. Mr Baker asked reps to remind children to take their things in. It was decided that the reps on corridor duty would check the racks and return any items to children.

4.            Playground organisation – reps reported that children are still going into the bike shed and using the time out area as a den for their games. Mr Baker said that he would ask staff to watch out for this when they are on duty. Mrs King agreed to look at the playground markings with Daniel E and Jessica B to see if any of the other markings could be used as dens instead. Reps asked if the football goal posts could be moved because children are running into them and they were worried about the amount of mud coming onto the playground.

5.            Playground toys – KS2 reps asked if they could have toys like the KS1 children have got. Mr Baker explained that these had been bought by the Lower Farm Association in response to their questionnaire about what children would like to have. He agreed to buy so toys for KS2 but explained that they may take a little while to order and arrive.

6.            Record Books – reps asked for tally sheets that they can use with their books to help them keep count of whom they are seeing regularly and who needs to be recorded in the books. Mrs King said that she would create this.

7.            Manners – Mr Baker asked reps to remind their classmates about saying please and thank you, and holding doors open for adults.

8.            Cross Curricular Weeks – reps reported back ideas that had been suggested to them – Science week, Art week, Drama/theatre/dance, Animals and living things

9.            Any Other Business


·        Hall monitors – reps reminded Mrs King that she had said she would organise school council reps as monitors in the Hall at playtimes. Mrs King apologised that she had not done this and promised to do it as soon as possible.

·        Toilets – reps reported that there is a problem with some children hanging around in the toilets or playing with the water. They asked if we could have monitors for the toilets. Mrs King said that she would talk to Mrs Stanley about the supervision of toilets at dinnertime and see what could be arranged.

·        Tsunami Relief – Mr Baker reported that the non-uniform day had raised over £1200 and asked reps to pass on his congratulations to the children in classes.

·        OFSTED – Mr Baker explained that we will be having visitors in school at the end of February/ early March. He told the reps that they should expect these visitors will want to talk to some of the council reps about the sorts of things that have been discussed and decided by School Council and how they feel about their role as a council rep. He explained that this was nothing to worry about but that they should be prepared for the possibility.

·        Jewellery – reps reported that there are number of children breaking the no jewellery rule. They asked if we could have a jewellery check again. Mr Baker agreed to organise this.

·        Trading Card Club – one rep asked if it would be possible to organise a club for children to meet to trade cards after school. Mr Baker explained that they would need to find a teacher who would be prepared to supervise this. If they could find a member of staff to do this then he would be happy for such a club to be organised.






Mrs King looked at the playground with Daniel and Jessica. Two new den areas were identified – the circles painted at either end of the playground.

It was also agreed that the mound of earth by the path to the Reception Classes needs to be levelled out as children are using this to run up and this is a potential hazard.

It was also agreed that the stones that have gathered in the bike sheds need to be tidied up and removed.



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