School Council |
Minutes of meeting 1.
OFSTED - Mr Baker explained to reps that the Inspectors
will want to speak to some of the reps. He asked them to tell the inspectors
about all of the things that reps are involved with and assured reps that the
meeting is nothing to worry about it is just a chat. 2.
Playground tidiness – reps
reported that there has been an improvement in the number of lunch boxes, bottles etc are being left in the racks at the end
of the dinner hour. Mr Baker asked reps to remind children again to take
their things in. Reps asked if all classes in KS2 could have a rack per class
to make it easier to see where boxes need returning to. Mrs King will
check up on this as Mr Baker thought that there were already enough racks for
1 per class. Mr Baker said that he would put a reminder in the newsletter to parents
about naming lunch boxes. 3.
Playground organisation – reps reported that children are rushing onto the playground and felt that
this was a potential danger. They asked if they could line up before going onto
the playground and go down in class groups. Mrs King to speak to dinner supervisors
about this. Reps also reported that lining up in the hall before going out to
play is also causing problems still. Mr Baker said that he would talk to Mrs Stanley
about this. 1.
Friendship Bench – reps
reported that the positioning of the bench means that children are playing on
the bench rather than using it for its intended purpose. They suggested new positions
for the bench and voted on a new site – in the Quiet Area of the playground was
the site that the majority voted for. 2.
Playground toys – Mr
Baker reported that he has been looking at activities for KS2 and that they should
soon be ordered. He also reported that plans are in progress for a new indoor
activity room with a dinner supervisor for quiet activities such as chess and
for doing written homework. 3.
books – reps reported that other
children sometime question who they are to tell them what to do in the corridors
or give them the wrong names. Mr Baker said that he would organise badges and
asked reps to seek help from a nearby member of staff if other children give the
wrong name. Mr Baker stressed that any child who does this will need to be reported
in the books so that they can be reprimanded by him. 4.
in bike shed – children reported
that the stones are still in the bike shed and that some children are throwing
or kicking them around. Mrs King said that she would log this on Mr Broadbent’s
job list so that they will be removed. 5.
Curricular Weeks – Mrs King reported
that the next cross-curricular week is now being planned for the summer term with
the theme ‘Around the World’. 6.
Jewellery – reps reported that the number of children breaking the
no jewellery rule has reduced. 7.
Card Club – reps reported that
they had not yet found a member of staff to run such a club but children are using
the Quiet Area of the playground for doing this instead. 8.
Tamagotchis – some reps
reported that tamagotchis are bothering people in class.
Mr Baker asked reps to ask children to turn the sound off and keep their tamahotchis on the teacher’s desk or other central point.
Reps agreed to keep an eye on how things this goes and that if there is still
a problem by the next meeting to vote on whether to ban them in school. Any
Other Business ·
rep asked if we could have books in each class for other children to write ideas
in for reps to bring to council. Mr Baker said this was a great idea and should
be organised within classes that want to do it. ·
rep asked if teachers could wear a uniform. Mr Baker told the council that unfortunately
he cannot insist that staff wear a uniform. ·
Baker asked reps to remind children that they need to stay on the paths when they
enter and leave school, not walk across the car park. ·
Baker asked reps to remind children that their communication questionnaires need
to be returned to school this week. ·
rep asked if more adult helpers could go swimming with them because someone had
got hurt in Orion class. The older boys asked if a male supervisor could go so
that they do not have to have a woman in the changing room with them. Mr Baker
asked reps to ask children if there are any male relatives who would volunteer
to do this as we do not have any male helpers at the moment who are police checked
to do this. ·
rep expressed concern about understanding the cultural differences regarding dance
and muslim girls. Mr Baker
asked the rep to approach the child concerned and ask her to come and speak to
him about any problems she is encountering with PE. ·
Baker asked reps if they would like to take part in Red Nose Day – there was a
unanimous yes vote. Date
for the next meeting – Tuesday 22nd March |