School Council

Minutes of meeting 8/2/06

1. Travel Plan Advisors Visit

Children discussed the presentation that Kathryn Parr, Road Safety Team Travel Plan Advisor had come into school and shown the school council. Reps all felt that it had been a good presentation and that they had enjoyed meeting her.

1. Lost Property

The rota was discussed and Mrs King explained why she felt that it needed improving. She went through the new rota with reps and all agreed that this would be better

2. Newsletter

Reps discussed the council newsletter and decide that they would like to continue with it. Wesley and Beth were voted editors and a number of younger reps volunteered to write contributions for the newsletter. Reps discussed whether it should be for in school or to send home. The vote was 19 for pupils and 21 for given to pupils and parents.

3. School Council Badges

Badges will be awarded in Friday’s assembly and Mrs King told reps that they could ask their parents to come along to see them receive their badges on stage.

5. A.O.B.

Friendship Bench

Mercury Class reps asked if the Friendship Bench could be started again.

Mrs King explained why Playground Friends had not been restarted – the volunteers had not played with all children only their friends and children had complained that they had sat on the bench and still been ignored. One rep stated that children just walk on the bench even if asked not to by school council reps. Mrs King that reps should ask politely three times and if children still ignore them then they should report children walking on the bench to the teacher on duty.

Reps voted on whether they would like the bench reintroduced. The majority voted for this. They decided that it would be better if council reps volunteered for doing the duties. Mrs King took the names of those who wanted to volunteer and will devise a rota similar to the lost property rota, which will be displayed on the school council notice board.

Behaviour in girls toilets

Some of the female reps reported that there are girls swinging off the toilet doors, throwing water in the toilet and generally misbehaving in the toilets. Mrs King asked reps to try and find out the names of girls involved so that she can investigate.


Date of next meeting - Wednesday 29th March

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