School Council

Minutes of meeting 12/4/05

1.            Matters Arising from Last Minutes – reps reported that jewellery is no longer a problem

2.            OFSTED JB thanked reps who spoke to the OFSTED Inspector. He told the children that the report has now been published and that OFSTED had been very impressed by the work of the school council.

3.            Playground  - JB said that the KS2 games were on order but that he would chase up why they had not arrived yet. Reps reported that Playground Friends is not working properly. AK to reorganise it so that there are regular days every week for them to do. Reps agreed to find out where children want the Friendship bench to be – in the Quiet Area or on the big playground. JB said that he would also discuss Playground Friends with the whole staff at Monday’s Staff Meeting.                                                                                                       Reps asked for more monitors around school and suggested that the toilets, the path around the end of Apollo Class, the grass, the bike shed and the Friendship Bench all need reps supervising them. AK to look into organising this.                   Reps reported that the Time Out box is not working and that a lot of children are playing football with stones/ foil/ bottle tops etc.                                               JB and AK to look at moving the Time Out Area.                                                                  J B said that he would discuss the issues raised about the playground in Monday mornings assembly

4.            Record books One rep suggested a general comments book for reps to report any incidents or behaviour problems. This will be put in Mrs Stanley’s office with the other Record Books. Reps agreed to bring their class’s ideas book to the next Council Meeting.

5.            Cross Curricular Weeks The next week will be ‘Around the World Week’ during week beginning June 27th with an Olympics themed Sports Day on the Thursday (30/6/05)

6.            Tamagotchis – 9 reps reported that they are still a problem in class. Reps voted on banning them – 10 for, 11 against. There will be no ban but children must keep them out of sight during lessons e.g. in their tray or a communal box so that children are not tempted to have a look. This will be reviewed again at the next meeting

7.            AOB

a.      School Dinners – reps asked for more healthy things to be offered, more veg and no twizzlers or nuggets like the ones on Jamie Olivers TV programme.. Reps voted on whether there should be healthier menu for school dinners – Yes, 18   No, 3

b.     One rep asked what is happening about the water bottles – JB said that he would chase this up

c.     JB announced that the building of the School Hall should begin before the end of the year.

d.     Reps reported that there are some children taking more snack than they should or having snack when they have not paid. Reps from Orion, Saturn, Neptune, Comet, Mercury and Pluto reported that snack is not working in their classes.


Date for the next meeting – Tuesday 24th May


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