Big Read Week

 My most favorite things we did was the storyteller and the poet. The poets name was David Calcutt; I enjoyed it when he said the poem. The poem was about a boy where he was dreaming the world and there was a beautiful bird that had came to be prince. Everybody said for him to take a bit of fire of the sun and bring it down. He went up and bought it down, everybody didn’t recognize him. His feathers were burnt. He got very mad when they said he wasn’t to be king and threw the fire into the trees. At that moment Suma woke up and saw the world was on fire, the animals asked if they could help them. Suma went up to to the tree he lived in and climbed up to the top, the animals did the same. Suma sneezed and saw a bit of the flame went down. He told everyone to sneeze, everybody sneezed and the fire went right down. The world was ruined. He saw everyone was frightened and he decided to dream two creatures that would do anything he did. When he woke up he saw an egg and it began to crack. When the egg cracked open two humans came out. Suma did a little dance because he was excited, the humans did the same. He sneezed, so did they. That is the end of that poem, the poem writer told us to do a position of the poem, and I enjoyed that bit especially. I also enjoyed the storyteller, Bruno.

There once was a pharaoh who was very greedy. He was very rich but he thought he wasn’t rich enough. He made a tax and told everybody to give him half of his or her riches, money, rubies and gold. He told a man to build a big, enormous chamber made out of gold and marble. The man agreed only if the pharaoh would give him more than he usually did. The pharaoh agreed and the man started to work. When he had finished the pharaoh gave him what he usually gave him. The man was mad, he stormed off. Later on that day the man became ill. The following day the man died. The children of the man decided to get their own back; before the man had died he had told them a secret passage through a stone. That night they went into the secret passageway and took as much gold, rubies and riches. The pharaoh was mad. He was so mad he told his new builder to put a trap in the chamber. The next night when they got to the chamber they went through the movable stone and went in. One of the brothers triggered off the alarm and he was hanging upside down. He said to his brother to cut his head off, he didn’t want to but finally agreed. He cut off his brother’s head and took it with him; he buried it by his father’s grave. His mother was very upset; she wanted the body as well. The pharaoh was furious, but he was glad that he had found his robber but was even more furious when he found out the person had no head. The next day the woman’s only son came down and saw his brother’s body hanging up. The next night the dead persons brother went and got the body and buried it beside its father. The following day the boy went past the chamber and heard the pharaoh saying that whoever had done the worstest thing would become the prince and marry his daughter. The boy was very clever and decided to cut off an arm from a mummy and bought it to the princess. The princess asked him and he said that he had cut off an arm and also went and stole some jewels. The princess grabbed his arm and the boy ran off leaving the arm he had cut off.

  Jennifer J

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