Big Read Week


We had our own Big Read Event.

10/11/2003 to 14/11/2003


Click on these links to find out more

Photos of Activities

And Follow Up work by some of the children


Go to the BBC Website

Do some puzzles & games about books


There was a lot going on. A visiting story teller, Bruno Barton, and an author, David Calcutt, told stories, did workshops with the children and encouraged them to become more involved in reading and writing. There were opportunities to buy books at the Book Fairs and from an author of books about local football clubs.

The mobile library lorry visited school and there were lots of opportunities for our children to spend time reading.


For a full timetable of the events, click here



We would like you to become involved!!

Parents, children and anyone in the wider community.

Please e-mail us about your favourite book,

 memories of stories from childhood

or any other comments that you want

to make about our Big Read Week.






As part of the preparation for

Big Read Week we have been collaborating with an A Level student from Shire Oak School. (He is an ex-pupil of Lower Farm). He has created his own version of our school website.


NOTE : Some of the features in Matthew’s site are not available in our website and the links may not work. It is a website design, rather than a functioning website.


 Matthew writes -

“As part of my A Level ICT Project I have designed a web site to contribute towards the BBC Big Read Project. To visit this section please click here.”


You can vote for your children’s author by going on Matthew’s website and clicking on The Big Read link. From there you will find a page where you can vote online.


We hope you agree with us that Matthew has worked very hard on his ICT ‘A’ Level Project.


We wish to thank him for his input and wish him well for the future.




We hope you have enjoyed joining us for our Big Read Event.


Keep Reading!!!





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