Big Read Week


 My favourite event during book week would have been when David Calcutt the poet/playwright  visited the school to perform his play about the animals on earth. He told us how he usually starts to create plays by writing down notes to give him ideas of how his play would be performed on stage. Some children even   acted out the play to show everyone how the story would look as a play on stage. Mrs Unsworth told us about his career as a teacher earlier on in his life. He finished off his visit by ending his story with a cliffhanger and telling the other class the ending so we could find out the rest of the story from children  in another class to hold the suspense a little longer . Another one of my favorite activities that took place was when the storyteller also visited the school to read his stories from different countries around the world. He told us two stories altogether one from India and the other from Egypt. Later on in the day he gathered the year 5/6 classes into the hall to talk to us about creating our own stories built up with words that mean the opposite of each other ,our stories were about our favorite animal mine being about a dolphin. He left at half past three and by that time we had enough ideas to create a story ourself. I liked this especially because I enjoy writing stories myself in class and out of school .I think that everyone thoroughly enjoyed this event because his stories seemed to be quiet amusing .During the week we took part in several sessions of silent reading and on the last day (Friday) we spent half an hour taking part in silent reading to finish off the big read week at lower farm school.

                            By Sophie, Earth Class.

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