Year 5 and 6 Problem Solving


These children have been set some problems to solve. They have been asked to decide which operations they need to use – addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Some of the problems may involve several steps each needing a different operation.


They have been encouraged to discuss the problems and explain to each other the processes they think should be used


The problems they were asked to solve were like this one –


The local scouts group wants to take 208 children and 25 adults on a trip to a theme park as a summer treat.

The coaches seat 53. How many coaches will they need to book for the trip?


The children recorded their ideas in rough books to help them decide the best way to solve the problems they had been set.


Some off them applied the grid method of multiplication to help them solve the problem.


They were then asked to check their calculations by using the inverse method, that is use division to check multiplication and addition to check subtraction and so on.


Can you spot the mistake in the calculation that this child spotted when he checked his work?




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