Venus Class – ICT


The children in this class have used their topic in Art – Journeys as the inspiration for their ‘magazine pages’ for the school website.





This picture is by Laura and Simon.

This is a abstract picture called firework picture. We went on r.m colour magic to get the picture. We used rainbow colours.



Abstract Journeys.

This picture is called a journey the special name for it is an abstract picture.This picture is made  from Paul Klee.





by Lorna and Andrew

This picture is a journey picture. It  is colourful

and its got  bright colours. We designed it by are self. We call it an abstract picture. Its not done by Paul Klee. We looked at Paul Klees pictures and made one of are own.




                         By Alain  and  Katie                       

Now  magazine has interviewed  the  artist of this picture and asked about there  thoughts about art. Here is what they said. Paul Klee is a  great Abstract artist. He does journey pictures. He  inspired  us to do our picture.






Famous Artists

Makes Journey

Two   artists   who    made   this   picture  is  called   Liam  and  Amy .It  has  two  vehicles, there  is  a  Motorbike  and  a  Car.

There  are  a  few  footprints  crossing  a  lake  and  behind   the  road  and  one  in front.





Lightning sky


This is an abstract picture Venus class have done an abstract picture. This piece of art was originally done by Paul Klee.Only the artist can understand this picture.




Abstract pictures


Venus  Class  have  done  a  abstract   picture all about journeys.Even though  they don’t look like ajourneys they are.This is not a picture by any one fancy it was done by Jack  & Katy .




 Journeys.      By Laura and Sam.                 

This is an abstract picture, it is an abstract picture to show a journey to school. Its called field footprints. In the picture there’s some footprints, field and roads.                                            






      An abstract picture.       BY KIRTI AND TOM.


This is an abstract picture to show a journey to school. It has footprints on and car tracks going all over. There’s grass that’s been squashed and loads of snow.



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