The governors

Governors are like a Board of Directors and make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term at school and all parents are welcome to come along and listen to what goes on.

Governors are appointed to help:

*       Decide what will be taught

*       Set standards of behaviour

*       Interview and select staff

*       Decide how the school budget is spent.


School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they cannot act individually.


School Governors are

*       Parents

*       Staff in the school

*       Local council representatives

*       Community representatives


Parent Governors

*       Have a child in school

*       Are elected by parents of the school

*       Serve, as do other Governors, for four years.


Governors can be contacted through the school office

(tel. 01922 710479)



Information for Governors, or those who are considering becoming a school governor, can be found on these websites:-



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