Teachers’ Pages

Black Country Museum Visit


The Tilting House


Due to the mine shafts underneath the house, the house’s foundations are slowly falling down into the mine.



The Toilet


Would you like to have to go to an outside toilet in the winter?

Very cold, dark smelly places with only newspaper to use – not nice!


The front end of a trolley bus.


These were kept in sheds over night.



The Canal





The Grocer’s Shop


Our guide told us about the old grocer’s shop and the things that they used to sell. We liked the girls’ panties best, they were really funny. You could buy everything you needed from this shop.



The Cake Shop


The shop sold really lovely cakes. They were very sweet and very expensive. It also sold bread (if you could afford to buy a whole loaf!)


The Butcher’s Shop


Freshly caught rabbits used to hang in the shop window – mom used to make rabbit stew with them.


The Ironmongers


This is where mom would buy all her scrubbing brushes, a bath, saucepans, tools, pegs and even the soap. It sold everything you needed to keep the house clean.


The Public House


The yellow building is the public house (pub) where Dad would go in the night time to get away from us children. Some drinks used to come in big stone bottles.



Can you see the old cobble stones in the picture? 100 years ago the streets were all cobble stones.


These bricks are new.


The School


Inside the school the children were lined up boys and then girls. They also sat like this in class. In this picture the boys are holding out their hands for the teacher to check if they were clean – if they weren’t you got the cane!!!


An old desk


The top could lift up for you to put your books in the desk and it had an ink well in the middle so that you could dip your ink pens in and write in ink.


This is the teacher’s desk at the front of the class near the heating stove.


The nasty, mean teacher


Here she is with the cane. If we didn’t know our times tables then we got a smack with the cane across the palm of our hands.



The rich person’s house.


It was very posh inside. They had metal cutlery, china plates and gas lights.

The kitchen was mom’s pride and joy. She scrubbed it until everything shone.



The poor person’s house.


It was very cramped. It only had two rooms which they used as bedrooms as well as a living room and kitchen. They had a bucket outside to go to they toilet in.

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