School Council

Minutes of meeting Wednesday 28th September

1.            Welcome – Mr Baker congratulated the children on being elected and set out their role within the school. He also outlined how they help to run the school and contribute to making decisions.

2.            Corridor Monitors – Due to the building work and the changes in routines for moving around the school building there will be no corridor duties. AK explained to the reps that there will still be a role for them to help monitor the behaviour of all of the children. The book for passing on messages about incidents, pupils breaking school rules or any other ideas or information to AK is in Mrs Stanleys office.

3.            School Dinners – JB reported that the Regional School Cook will be coming in to school to talk to the whole school in assembly on Monday 3rd October. She has asked for a small group of children to talk to after the assembly. School reps who have school dinners or have had in the past were invited to come to this sessions and all reps accepted.

4.            Building Work – JB asked reps to pass on a big ‘well done’ to everyone in their classes for the way that children have adapted to the changes in routines due to the building work.

5.            Class Charters – AK asked for any outstanding charters to be handed in as soon as possible.

6.            AOB – School Newsletter – 2 children in Year 6 have approached AK with the idea of writing a school newsletter. Reps discussed this idea and agreed that they would like a newsletter but felt that there should be more people and a wider spread of ages contributing to this newsletter. 15 reps volunteered to help. AK suggested that they go to Friday Computer Club to work together and said that she would talk to Mrs Pearce about this. Samantha and Annabel were chosen as senior Council reps to liaise with Jessica and Harriet.

7.            Clubs – reps asked if clubs will be starting again. Mr Baker stressed that clubs are run on a voluntary basis by staff and that he cannot tell teachers to run a club. Mr Baker told reps that they need to approach teachers and ask them if they intend to run the club that they are interested in this year.

8.            Playground Games – reps asked if the toys will be out again this year. AK explained that as soon as suitable storage has been organised then the toys will be available again.

9.            Water Bottles – reps reported that everyone likes the bottles. AK stressed that they should contain water as this is best for helping your brain to learn.

Date for the next meeting – Wednesday19th October


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