School Council

Minutes of meeting Wednesday 16th November

1. Healthier Lifestyles - School Dinner, reps felt that these are much improved and that the scheme that gives 10 stamps on your card at dinnertime is working well. (Children get a stamp for 3 healthy choices). 10 stamps = a free swim. Mr Baker reported that there will soon there will be a children’s gym as well that they can use as a reward for 10 stamps.

Healthy Snacks – reps reported that they have noticed children eating cereal bars that are chocolate. Mr Baker asked for the council newsletter to remind people about healthy snacks and the fact that chocolate cereal bars are not really suitable. The snack should be healthy.

Travel Plan  - Mrs King asked for ideas from the children – they suggested participating in walk to school week, promoting eating a balanced diet, promoting the 5 items of fruit and veg. campaign, having a role model celebrity with a we should live like them campign, a walking bus, cycle to school sticker charts. walking to school stamp cards like the dinner cards.

Free fruit – Year 3 & 4  and Year 5 & 6 would like the excess fruit spread out more fairly. At present it is only going to class where their teachers ask for it. Mr Baker to investigate and try to resolve this issue.

2. School Council Newsletter – reps reported that items include a reminder that water bottles should have water or fruit juice in them. They said that it will be ready to be published by the end of November.

3. Clubs – letter to School Council from Mrs Summers-Breeze was read out by Mrs King. Reps asked about other clubs that children would like to restart – Mrs King and Mr Baker recommended that children ask members of staff politely if they will be doing these clubs again and reminded children that staff run these clubs in their own time.

4. Moving around school – reps discussed issues related to this and to looking after the school in general. Reps said that they would remind the children in their classes that they should walk, not run, in the corridors. They felt that some children were going out onto the playground after dinner without permission. Mr Baker suggested that toilet passes may need to be reintroduced.

5. Playground games – Mrs King reported that the plan is for the toys to be stored in the shed behind Apollo class. At the moment this shed is not secure because of the door on the shed. Mr Broadbent is looking into replacing this door with one that can be secured with a padlock. Once this is in place, then the toys will be moved into the shed and they will be available for playtimes again, although there may not be room on the playground for the larger toys until after the building work is completed.

6. Lost Property – Mrs King asked reps if they would be prepared to do lost property duty to collect lost items from around school and return named items to their owners. Mrs King to draw up a rota.


7. Any Other Business

a. Some instances of bullying were reported. Mrs King to investigate these. Mrs King and Mr Baker asked reps to talk to children in their classes about the need to report any incident of bullying immediately to their class teacher or Mrs King, Mr Bolton or Mr Baker straight away and not wait for a council meeting.

b. Playtime – reps reported that some children are digging in the mud.

c. Reps reported that some of the Infant and Junior Girls Toilet doors not locking and that the girls feel uncomfortable about using them. Mrs King to report this to Mr Broadbent.



Date for the next meeting –


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