School Travel Plan for 2005-06 in place
Outline of Plan published to staff, parents and
School Travel Plan Coordinator
Jan 2005
Interim survey to identify seasonal variation
To compare results between Nov and July and then
produce an average result for a clearer annual picture.
STP Coordinator
June 2006
To decide the most useful and appropriate way of
spending the budget allocation from the DfES. (Linked to other targets)
To spend the £5920 on approved item/s
STP Coordinator
July 2006
To do a parental questionnaire/ survey.
To enable parents to give feedback about the effectiveness
of events/ schemes and encourage parents to raise issues that they are
concerned about.
STP Coordinator
Dec 2005
To do a staff travel survey
To collect data on staff travel arrangements
School Council
March 2006
Display about alternative methods of traveling to
school at Spring Term Parents Evening
To raise awareness of sustainable transport options
Kathryn Parr, STP Advisor
STP Coord
March 2006
Walk/ Cycle to school incentives scheme similar to the
Healthy eating scheme with a professionally printed stamp card, with a set
number of stamps resulting in a free swimming session reward.
Increase the number of children walking to school to
40%, to increase the number of children cycling to school to 10% and to
reduce the number traveling by car to 50% by 2008.
Interim walking targets
2005 – 30%
2006 – 33%
2007 – 36%
2008 – 40%
STP Coordinator
All Staff
All pupils
July 2006 for costing
Jan 2007 for scheme set up
July 2008 to achieve 40% walking target
Set up a Walking Bus from the Turnberry
Road estate either with
volunteers or, if funding is available, with an employed ‘conductor’
Increase the number of children walking to school to
40%, and to reduce the number traveling by car to 50%
STP Coordinator
April 2006
Walk to School Campaign
Whole School to
be involved in the King George Vth Park Walk Event
Whole School
June 2006 and annually
Leaflets to parents produced by pupils about walking together
in groups, healthier lifestyles, car sharing and cycle groups
Increase the number of children walking to school to
40%, to increase the number of children cycling to school to 10% and to
reduce the number traveling by car to 50%
All Staff
All Year 5/6 pupils
During Healthy Schools Week - week beg. 6/3/06
To investigate an idea suggested by school council of
having a celebrity that will endorse a ‘Live like me’ campaign in our
school and act as a role model for the children.
To raise awareness of the Travel Plan Targets amongst
pupils, parents and staff.
To encourage pupils to have a healthier lifestyle.
School Council
STP Coordinator
Summer 2006
To review the PHSE Policy/ Road Safety Policy.
Review the Long Term Plan to ensure that Health/
fitness/ road safety is covered throughout the 2 year cycle
Reduce the number of pupils who feel that they do not
do enough exercise to 25%
To improve levels of fitness to -
1% unfit
40% OK
59% very fit
Spring Term 2006
To publish an outline of the Travel Plan on the School
Outline of Plan published to staff, parents and
ICT Coordinator
Feb 2006
Voluntary exclusion zone being actively encouraged.
To increase the number of children doing Park and
Stride to 30%
STP Coordinator
All Staff
All pupils
July 2006
Voluntary Drop Zone being actively encouraged for Year
6 pupils.
· To reduce
the number of cars parking in Bakewell Close.
· To
increase the number of children doing Park and Stride to 30%
· To
prepare children for walking to secondary school.
STP Coordinator
Year 5/6 Staff
Colour Newsletter printed and distributed to all
children and local residents
To raise awareness of the Travel Plan Targets amongst
pupils, parents, staff and local residents.
Road Safety Team
May 2006
School Council involved in regular discussion about the
School Travel Plan and promoting healthier lifestyles
To involve pupils in the decision making process
within the school and to enable children to give feedback about the
effectiveness of events
Deputy Head
School Council
From Sept 2005 and ongoing throughout the year at
monthly meetings
Termly School
Travel Plan Newsletter printed and distributed to all children and parents
To communicate with parents/carers about all events and
activities undertaken that involve promotion of the Travel Plan targets and
promoting a healthier lifestyle
STP Coordinator
Once a term
Cycle Training
To continue and expand cycle training
Deputy Head
1 member of staff to cycle with pupils (PE
Summer Term 2006 and annually
Cycle to School Campaigns, Events and incentive
schemes – ongoing over a 2 year period
Increase the number of pupils traveling to school by
bike to 10%
STP Coordinator
All staff
All pupils
July 2006
To approach the Road Safety Officer about the
possibility of bollards being installed on the fight hand side of the
Buxton Road/ Bakewell Close junction (issue highlighted through parent
To improve visibility at this junction and therefore
reduce the number of perceived near misses.
STP Coordinator
Kathryn Parr, STP Advisor
Richard Clarke - RSO
April 2006
To approach RSO about the feasibility of providing a Toucan
Crossing at the Stafford Road/ Turnberry Road junction or other alternative
suitable location
To increase the number of children cycling to school
to 10%
STP Coordinator
Kathryn Parr, STP Advisor
Richard Clarke - RSO
Start in Healthy Schools Week 6/3/06