Information for Parents To see the full Inspection Report, click on this
Ofsted Website address. This is a summary of what the inspectors said
about the school:- SUMMARY OF THE REPORT Lower Farm Primary continues to be a very
effective school. Many
children start school with below average attainment. Pupils achieve very well
from Years 1 to 6, particularly in English. Teaching and learning are good
overall. Very
good leadership and management constantly seek to improve the quality of
education provided. Very good teamwork is a strong feature of the school’s
very successful ethos. Children in the nursery and reception classes make
satisfactory progress, but many do not reach the goals expected for children
at the end of the reception year. The
headteacher provides very good leadership, and governance is good. The school
provides very good value for money. The school’s main strengths and
weaknesses are: • Standards in
English are well above average due to very good teaching and learning. •
Very good enrichment of the curriculum motivates pupils very well, so that
they behave very well and are very keen to learn. •
Very good provision for pupils’ personal development enables pupils to
achieve very well. •
Teaching and learning are good overall and much is very good due to the very
good relationships that exist throughout the school. •
Staff value pupils’ opinions and contributions very well so that they are
confident in lessons. •
Curriculum development in the nursery and reception classes has not kept up
with national improvements and this limits the progress that children make in
these classes. •
Cultural development is good overall due to the good opportunities provided
across the curriculum, but pupils’ understanding of the rich contribution of
other cultures to British society is underdeveloped. Improvement
since the last inspection is good overall. Pupils continue to achieve very
well from Year 1 to Year 6. Leadership and management remain very strong. The
high expectations of senior staff mean that teaching and learning continue to
be good, with much very good teaching seen, particularly in Years 3 to 6.
Provision in the nursery and reception classes is not as good as it was at
the time of the last inspection. STANDARDS ACHIEVED
link takes you to OFSTED’s website where you can click on the link to Lower
Farm Primary School Table of results |