Information for Parents

Anti-Racism Policy



1.         General Aims Of The School


This policy exists within our broader approach which aims to provide good quality education for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background.  Our aim is to encourage, support and enable all pupils and staff to reach their potential.  In particular we aim to ensure that all our pupils get a fair deal at school in terms of the opportunities to learn, being treated with respect, celebrating their achievements and given full access to all aspects of the curriculum.


1.1       Our Commitment To Race Equality

As far as possible our aim is to be proactive in promoting racial equality and good race relations and tackle racial discrimination wherever it may occur within our school.  We generally aim to take a whole school approach in this context by encouraging, supporting and enabling all pupils and staff to reach their potential.  Wherever possible, we work in partnership with our parents and the wider community.


Our commitment to race equality covers all aspects of the school’s work including:

·        Progress, attainment and assessment

    • Behaviour discipline and exclusions
    • Personal development and pastoral care for our pupils
    • All aspects of teaching and learning and the wider curriculum
    • Admissions and attendance
    • Staff recruitment and professional development
    • Partnership with parents and the community.


2          Roles And Responsibilities


2.1       The responsibility for ensuring that the policy complies with race relation legislation and that it is implemented, rests with the Governing Body and the Head Teacher.

Advice and support from the LEA will be taken as and when necessary.  The Head Teacher and the Governors have a responsibility for keeping themselves and the school staff up to date with race relations legislation.


2.2       All staff have the responsibility to promote racial equality and good race relations.  They should know how to identify and challenge racial bias and stereotyping.  All staff should follow the school’s procedures for dealing with racist incidents.


2.3       Within the framework of the LEA staff have responsibility for the recording of any racial incidents which may arise in the school and reporting them to the Head Teacher.  Such incidents may involve pupils, staff, parents, visitors, contractors etc.


2.4       All school policies will, where relevant, promote racial equality and good race relations.  Parents are made aware of the school’s commitment to race equality at the time of admission to the school (Prospectus) and throughout the time their child attends Lower Farm.


3          Curriculum, Teaching And Assessment

3.1       Curriculum planning takes account of our commitment to race equality.  The criteria used for allocating pupils to teaching groups, extra curricula clubs, residential visits etc are fair and equitable for pupils from all ethnic groups.


3.2       We use assessment outcomes to identify the specific needs of any pupils who may be underachieving.  Our aim is to make sure that teaching methods and styles are varied to take account of different needs of individuals or groups of pupils.


3.3       Wherever possible, we aim to celebrate cultural and racial diversity through the curriculum.   Our aim is not only to encourage all pupils to oppose racial discrimination, but also to make sure that they have the skills to challenge such racism as and when it occurs.


4.         Admissions, Attendance, Discipline And Exclusion


4.1       By following the LEA guidelines we ensure that the admission process is fair and equitable to pupils from all ethnic groups.


4.2       The school monitors pupils attendance by ethnic group and uses data to develop strategies to address poor attendance (Head Teacher and Education Welfare Officer).  Wherever possible, we accommodate pupils/staff need to take time off for religious festivals.


4.3       Our procedures for disciplining pupils and managing behaviour are fair and applied to all pupils irrespective of ethnicity, (see Appendix dealing with Racist Incidents).  Processes for excluding a pupil will be free from racial discrimination and strategies to reintegrate excluded pupils will accommodate the needs of pupils from all ethnic groups.


5.         Pupils’ Personal Development, Attainment And Progress.


5.1       The school monitors by ethnicity, pupils’ attainment and progress across the school and in individual subjects.  (Head Teacher and Assessment Co-ordinator).


5.2       Wherever there are disparities in the attainment and progress of particular ethnic groups, we develop strategies to take remedial action.


5.3       We take all opportunities to celebrate the achievement of all our pupils.


5.4       All pupils have equal access to curriculum enrichment activities and programmes.  Additional support is provided wherever necessary.


6.         Parents And Community


6.1       Our policy is to regularly inform all parents of their child’s progress and involve them in the life of the school.


7.         Staffing


7.1       Recruitment and selection procedures are consistent with race relations legislation and operate within the framework provided by the LEA.


7.2       Steps are taken to identify, support and provide opportunities for the professional development of staff from all ethnic groups.


8.         Evaluation And Review Of The Policy


8.1       The Head Teacher on behalf of the Governing Body will regularly evaluate the policy and review it as necessary in order to take account of current issues.





Lower Farm Primary School

Procedures For Dealing With Racist Incidents.




  1. We the teaching and non-teaching staff of Lower Farm Primary School wish to state our opposition to any form of racism.


  1. Racist attitudes and prejudices will inevitably find their way into our school.  These attitudes affect the children and hamper our efforts to provide a sound and balanced education.


  1. Insulting behaviour towards a member of a group on grounds of colour or ethnicity is indefensible.  It differs from other forms of verbal abuse or bullying in that it is not merely a personal attack but is aimed indiscriminately at a whole ethnic group.  It is not intolerance of another’s action but of another’s background and culture.


  1. We must challenge instances of racist behaviour whenever and wherever they occur, however ‘trivial’ they may appear to be.


  1. It is not the presence of minority ethnic individuals or groups in the school which determines whether or not a comment is racist or offensive.  In any discussion an offensive comment cannot go unchallenged.




Racist behaviour may be defined as any hostile or offensive act or incident that:


  • interferes with the peace and comfort of the aggrieved person;
  • the persons aggrieved fear for their safety;
  • the quality of life of the person aggrieved is reduced.


Categories of racist behaviour:


  1. Physical assault against a person or group because of colour and/or ethnicity.


  1. Derogatory name calling, insults and racist jokes.


  1. Racist graffiti.


  1. Provocative behaviour such as wearing racist badges or insignia.


  1. Bringing racist material such as leaflets, comics or magazines into Lower Farm for the purpose of inciting racism.


  1. Verbal abuse and threats, including racist songs and chants.


  1. Incitement of others to behave in a racist way.


  1. Racist comments in the course of discussion in lessons.


  1. Attempts to recruit other pupils to racist organisations and groups.


  1. Ridicule an individual for cultural differences, e.g. food, music, dress etc.


  1. Refusal to co-operate with other people because of their ethnic origins.


  1. Indirect discrimination – e.g. application of a rule/requirement that will exclude some on racial grounds.






Involving Pupils


  1. In the playground – the member of staff on duty should deal with the incident in an appropriate way, according to the seriousness of the action.  Support and sympathy given to the victim.


  1. In the classroom (in the widest sense) – members of staff should not ignore the incident but deal with it as they would any other incident.  Discussion with the class may be appropriate.


  1. Information about any incident should be recorded by the teacher and passed on to the Head Teacher.


  1. Repeated incidents of racism:


(A) Involvement of Head Teacher/ Deputy.

 (B) Parents to be informed/required to visit school.


  1. Serious incidents should be reported immediately to the Head Teacher and/ or Deputy.


Involving Adults


Staff must report directly to the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher all incidents that occur whether form pupils, staff, parents, contractors, visitors to school etc.





Lower Farm Primary School

Types of Racist Incidents


Educational institutions should not ignore any form of racist incidents in schools. Schools should have a clear policy, which identifies expectations of how staff will react to racist incidents. In every incident it must be explained fully to the perpetrator that racist behaviour will not be tolerated.


(A)     Incitement of others to behave in a racist way:

Suggested Actions:

  1. Refer pupils to the Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Inform parents/ carers by letter.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  4. Offer support to the victim and counselling to the perpetrator.
  5. Take necessary action to prevent recurrence, through the curriculum, tutor groups, assemblies.
  6. Record on the racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the Racist Incident form to the local Authority

(B)     Physical assault against a person or group because of colour and/or ethnicity.

Suggested Actions:

  1. Refer pupils to the Class teacher, Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Inform parents/ carers by letter.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  4. Offer support to the victim and counselling to the perpetrator.
  5. Take necessary action to prevent recurrence, through the curriculum, tutor groups, assemblies.
  6. Record on the racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the Racist Incident form to the Local Authority.

(C)     Derogatory name-calling, insults, racist jokes and language

Suggested Actions:

  1. Refer pupils to the Class teacher, Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Inform parents/ carers by letter.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions.
  4. Offer support to the victim and counselling to the perpetrator.
  5. Take necessary action to prevent recurrence, through the curriculum, tutor group, assemblies.
  6. Record on the racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the Racist Incident form to the Local Authority.


(D)     Racist Graffiti

Suggested Action:

1.        All racist graffiti in the school must be reported to the Headteacher photographed and should be removed immediately.

  1. Regular checks should be made and steps taken to discourage re-appearance of graffiti.
  2. Inform parents/ carers by letter where the perpetrator is known.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions.
  4. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.
  5. Record on the racist incident form.
  6. Send a copy of the Racist Incident for to the Local Authority.

(E)      Provocative behaviour such as wearing racist badges or insignia.

Suggested Action:

  1. Educational institutions should never permit the wearing of racist badges or insignia.
  2. Pupils wearing such badges or insignia should be referred to the Head of year, or Headteacher.
  3. Inform parents/ carers by letter where the perpetrator is known
  4. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion for repeat offenders. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  5. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.
  6. Record on racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the racist Incident form to the Local Authority.

(F)      Bringing racist materials such as leaflets, comics, magazines or computer software into school.

Suggested Actions:

1.        Educational Institutions should never permit racist literature and materials to be brought into school.

  1. Refer pupils to the Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Parents/ carers should be informed by letter
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion for repeat offenders. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  4. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.
  5. Record on the racist incident form.
  6. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(G)     Using the school’s computer systems to access and distribute racist material

Suggested Actions:

1.        All racist material on computer systems should be removed.

  1. Refer pupils to the Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Parents/carers should be informed by letter.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including controlled access to the Internet, fixed term exclusion for repeat offenders. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  4. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.
  5. Record on the racist incident form.
  6. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(H)     Verbal Abuse and threats.

Suggested Actions:

  1. Report to Class teacher, the head of Year or head teacher as appropriate.
  2. Inform parents/ carers by letter.
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion. In particularly serious cases inform the police.
  4. Offer support to the victim and counselling to perpetrator.
  5. Take necessary action to prevent recurrence, through the curriculum, tutor groups, assemblies.
  6. Record on the racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(I)       Racist comments in the course of discussions in lessons.

Suggested Actions.

1.        Pupils who persist in making inappropriate comments must be referred to the Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.

2.        Parents/Carers should be informed by letter.

3.        Consider appropriate sanctions for repeat offenders.

4.        Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.

5.        Record on the racist incident form.

6.        Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(J)      Attempts to recruit other pupils and students to racist organisations and groups.

Suggested Actions;

  1. Report immediately to the Headteacher, Headteacher to consider contacting the police.
  2. The Headteacher should interview recruiter.
  3. Parents/carers should be informed by letter
  4. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion.
  5. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim where appropriate.
  6. Record on the racist incident form.
  7. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(K)     Ridicule of an individual for cultural or religious differences e.g. food, music, dress, worship patterns etc.

Suggested Actions;

  1. Perpetrators who persist in making fun of individuals in these ways must be referred to the Head of Year or Headteacher
  2. Parents/ Carers should be informed by letter
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion.
  4. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim.
  5. Record on the racist incident form.
  6. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.

(L)     Refusal to co-operate with other pupils because of their race, colour and/or ethnicity

Suggested Actions:

  1. Pupils persistently refusing to cooperate must be referred to the Head of Year or Headteacher as appropriate.
  2. Parents/ carers should be informed by letter
  3. Consider appropriate sanctions including fixed term exclusion.
  4. Offer counselling to the perpetrator, and support to the victim.
  5. Record on the racist incident form.
  6. Send a copy of the racist incident form to the Local Authority.



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