

When the Children’s Ward Nurse came to visit the Foundation Stage.



She showed us the uniform that most nurses at the hospital wear and she was wearing her own uniform.



She brought Dopey to meet the children. Dopey had had an accident on his bike. He hadn’t been wearing a cycle helmet and he had hurt himself.



The children helped to put a plaster on his head and a bandage on his arm. Then they helped to put his arm in a sling. He needed some medicine too.



They listened to his heart with a stethoscope and took his temperature.




The children found out about bed pans and the tests that the nurses can do on Dopey’s wee-wee to make sure that he is OK.



The nurse explained that sometimes when children go into hospital they need to have an injection. A lot of the children said they didn’t like needles. She showed us the special cream that they use in hospital to stop the needle hurting. The children put the cream on the nurse’s hand and pretended to give her an injection.



She showed us the butterfly that the nurses put into your hand so that the doctors only need to put a needle into your hand once.


The children were fascinated and watched the nurse intently.



She dressed up her daughter as a theatre nurse – a special nurse that works in the part of the hospital where they do operations.



The nurse showed us what to pack in a bag if we need to stay in hospital – pyjamas, toothbrush, your teddy and a favourite bedtime book.




All of the children enjoyed the nurse’s visit and gave her a big round of applause at the end.





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