Galaxy Class – Literacy



These are some examples of the work that Galaxy Class wrote in the Computer Suite.


Click on these names to jump to their piece of writing


Steven        Leeann        Adam and James        Alex        Warren



All of the year group completed this unit of work.







Industrial cities

  Along the south welsh coast is a group of industrial cities; these cities are Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. Most men used to work at the mines, but the mines closed and people lost their jobs.



Things to do

After work welsh people love-playing music and games, Welsh choirs are the best in Britain. For the games welsh are champions at rugby football.


Welsh rugby

The stadium at Cardiff (arms park) is the headquarters of welsh rugby.

After the game comes the singing, most of the songs are welsh some are love songs some are hymns.







Every town is proud of its choir; people often join when they were children. Once every year many towns have eisteddfod.  This is a competition to find the best singers and poets in    

                          the town.



Celtics                                                                                                          people from Brittany, in northern France are very close to the welsh. Both are Celts and have similar languages. There is a closer country with Celtic tradition –Scotland.


By Steven





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Welsh  Customs


By Leeann


            In  South  Wales  along  the    coast there is a industrial  cities. These  are some of the big cities Swansea; Cardiff and Newport. Most men worked in the coal mines in the valleys. Most of them lost their jobs. Now oil is that expensive, they mint open up the mines again.

             If you want a relax from that hard days  work, why not play some music or play some games. One game is called  Welsh rugby football, they play in Arms Park.

             Every year they have competition to find the best singers and poets in town.           

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welsh customs





        On the south Wales coast is a line of industrial cities. Behind these big cities are deep valleys. In these valleys are coalmines but they have been shut down, due to the fact that digging out coal costs more than selling it.



    To relax from their hard work, the Welsh people play music and games.

    Choirs in Wales are the best in England. As for games, the Welsh are very good at rugby. The great stadium at Cardiff called Arms Park is the headquarters of Welsh rugby.

      Nearly all the town’s people go to see their team play the opposition. 

    After rugby comes the singing.  Most songs are Welsh although some are sad love songs; others are light hymns that are sung in small valleys.

The Competition

     Once a year towns have an Eisteddfod-this is a competition to show the best singers and poets in the town.

      The biggest competition is the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen, central Wales. Poets, dancers, singers and musicians come from all over the world.


The French Connection

        Brittany, in northern France, surprisingly, is closely linked to the Welsh. Both are Celts and have similar languages; both delight in music and poetry. But closer to Wales than France is another country with ancient Celtic traditions - Scotland.




                            James .



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Industrial cites

    Along the south west coast of walls is a line of industrial cites. Behind these big cites, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport, there are deep valley’s that lead up into the hills. Most men worked in the coalmines deep into valleys. But it cost more to dig in the mines then it did then it does to sell for? A lot of people lost their jobs in the mines. Now oil is expensive, it may be worth opening the mines again.                                                                                                

Thing to do      

To relax from the hard work, welsh people liked playing music and games. Welsh choirs are the best Britain and they are often heard on radio’s or in consents, as for games the welsh are champions for rugby football. The great stadium at Cardiff called the arms park, is the headquarters of welsh rugby but perhaps it is better to see a game in one of the mining valley’s . around the pitch are mining machinery and coal dust tips.                                                                                                        

by Alex



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                                      Welsh customs


On the south coast of Wales lie three industrial cities Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. Deep valleys stretch up the hills behind them. Most men in the villages worked in the coal mines.

Then after generations of mining they realised it costed more to dig out than to sell the coal, so they stopped


Wales is also home to one of the best sporting and concert venues in the world Cardiff Millennium stadium this is a 70,000 all seater with the famous exchangeable roof.

By Warren


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