The Code of Practice sets out guidance, procedures, and provides criteria by which pupils with special educational needs can work towards reaching their full potential, can become fully integrated into their school community and can make a successful transition to adulthood.  The Code of Practice states that the vast majority of SEN children will have their educational needs met in mainstream school settings.  It says that some children will require additional help from external agencies, and that a very small minority of children will require educational provision outside of the mainstream school setting.

A Summary of the Implementation of the Code of Practice at Lower Farm School

The Code of Practice offers pupil support through three named stages:
1. School Action
2. School Action Plus
3. Statement of Special Educational Needs

The trigger for School Action is that pupils are making little or no progress, despite receiving differentiated learning opportunities through teacher's normal planning.  The school has a process of assessment in place for identifying these pupils.  A Notification of Concern about a child's progress may be made by the child's teacher, parent or by an outside agency involved with the child.  Evidence gathered at this stage may, after one to two terms of specific target setting and evaluation of the pupil's learning, be used to move the pupil to the School Action stage.  An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up by the SENCO for the pupil, in conjunction with the parents.
School Action Plus support can be provided for pupils who do not make satisfactory progress as a result of intervention at School Action level.  Evidence, collected over two terms, that unsatisfactory progress has been made by a pupil referred for School Action Plus involves the referral of a pupil's special educational needs to an appropriate external agency.

A move from School Action Plus to the provision of a full Statement of Special Educational Needs requires an application by the school to the Pupil Assessment and Review Unit of Walsall Education.  As with School Action and School Action Plus, the compliance of parents and the  Head Teacher, is necessary.  The application is required to contain on-going assessment evidence of pupil progress, and external agency report, an educational psychologist's report and medical evidence where appropriate.  A panel considers applications twice each month.  If approved, the resulting Statement of Special Educational Needs will provide support through a statement of entitlement of educational provision, and a system of appropriate intervention, advice, assessment and review.
The implementation of the SEN Code of Practice (2001) is underpinned by an infrastructure of documentation.  The completion of this is the responsibility of the SENCO.  The main part of the administrative paperwork comprises the Notification of Concern, Individual Education Plans, pupil entitlements, assessing and tracking of pupil progress using target setting, establishing and evaluating pupil learning needs with other teachers, and extensive preparation for termly reviews.
The school is aware that at all times, in the area of special educational needs, using the SEN Code of Practice (2001) as a statutory and advisory base, critical success factors of practice, management and the deployment of resources ensure that all children's needs are met.   These critical factors include a clear definition and early identification of a child's special educational needs, intervention
using best practice, working with  pupils and parents in partnership and clearly detailed IEP's and reviews.

Governors interest in Special Educational Needs is represented by Mrs Harding.



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