SCHOOL YEAR 2002/2003


   Open   Close   Days Open
Autumn Term  Tues 3rd Sept  Fri 25th Oct   39
         2002  Mon  4th Nov  Fri 20th Dec   35

Spring Term  Mon 6th Jan  Fri  14th Feb   30
         2003   Mon 24th Feb  Fri 11th Apr   35

Summer Term Mon 28th April Fri 23rd May   19*
         2003  Mon  2nd  June Mon 21st July   36
*Excluding May Day ~May 5th 2003
In Service Training Days
The five additional days for teachers when all teaching staff will report for duty will be:- Mon 2nd Sept, 2002 plus 4 days to be chosen at the discretion of the school (which will be occasional holidays for pupils) There are no occasional holidays for staff.


Year 6 SAT s are from

Monday 12th May 2003 until Friday 16th May 2003 inclusive


SCHOOL YEAR 2003/2004


   Open   Close   Days Open
Autumn Term  Mon 1st Sept   Fri 24th Oct  40
         2003  Mon  3rd Nov   Fri 19th Dec  35

Spring Term  Mon 5th Jan   Fri  13th Feb  30
         2004   Mon 23rd Feb   Fri 2nd Apr  30

Summer Term Mon 19th April  Fri 28th May  29*
         2004  Mon  7th  June  Mon 19th July  31
*Excluding May Day ~May 3rd,2004
In Service Training Days
The five additional days for teachers when all teaching staff will report for duty will be chosen at the discretion of the school (which will be occasional holidays for pupils) There are no occasional holidays for staff.



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