Clubs and special events
Year 3 & 4 Internet Safety
Tick the correct
answer and then fill in your name and print out your answers.

1. When you go
on the internet at school do you….?
Use the
school website
Use Google on your own
Type in
an address a teacher tells you
2. If you go
on a web page and you do not like what you see,
do you…?

Click the
back button
Turn off
the monitor and tell the teacher or an adult
Carry on
looking at it

3. You receive
an e-mail from a friend with an attachment.
Do you…?
with your friend to see if they sent an attachment
Open the
attachment straight away
4. You receive
an e-mail from someone you do not know.
Do you….?

Open it
Delete it
Ask an
adult what to do

5. You have
found a great website for a school project.
Do you..?
Copy and
paste it all and put your name on it
notes from it
Copy and
paste bits of it and say what website it is from

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