Clubs and special events

Year 5 & 6 Photos – Tuesday

Bikes to school





Over half of the Year 5 & 6 children brought their bikes to school for the cycling event. The bike shed couldn’t hold all of them!!





Everywhere you looked there were bikes!






They had a great time doing the cycling activities with Richard Clarke, the Road Safety Officer.


The children who did not have a bike watched a cycle safety video instead.







Mrs Ralston did an anti-smoking session with each class and demonstrated an experiment that shows the harmful substances in cigarette smoke.





They did an anti-bullying activity in the ICT suite and completed an online quiz using information from,uk




Apollo class designed cycling incentive stickers and cards to collect stickers on. These will be judged along with those designed by the other classes later in the week. The best design will be professionally printed and will be used in school in the summer term.


They will also be used by other schools in Walsall who want to run a cycling incentive scheme of their own.



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