Clubs and special events

Year 5 & 6 Photos - Monday





All of the children in the school are producing leaflets to take home for their parents.


The purpose of these leaflets is to promote a healthier lifestyle and encourage parents to think about healthier alternative methods of travelling to school.




In their Numeracy lesson they used fruit as the theme for their work – weighing it, shopping with it and doing probability problems.






Everyone in the school is participating in a fitness test. These are standardised and will help us to analyse the fitness of the pupils in the school.




They have discussed the SMART rules for using the Internet safely.


S is for secret – keep you personal details secret.

M is for meeting – never meet anyone you meet on the Internet

A is for attachments – never open attachments to e-mails that you are not sure about.

R is for reliable – check that the information you are reading is reliable

T is for tell – if you ever come across a website that you do not like, or someone asks you to meet them, or you receive an e-mail from someone you do not know tell an adult





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