Clubs and special events

Year 3 & 4 Photos - Monday




The children watched a safety video provided by the Road Safety Team and thought about car stopping distances.


They were quite surprised how far it takes a car to stop.



They walked up to Buxton Road and watched the cars to see how fast they were going.


The Road Safety Team wanted to find out if the speed of cars along the road has reduced since the traffic calming measures have been installed.


They used a speed gun to measure the speed of the cars and recorded their findings on a chart.





They collected data about the types of fruit that they eat and created bar graphs using a computer and by hand.




All the children in the school are doing a standardised fitness test.


These children are making sure that the distance run is the same as the other classes. They used a tape that sets the time for each length of the hall run.


This test is often called the bleep test because the timings are set by bleeps.

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