Clubs and special events

Fire Safety



Our local fire officers came into school on 4/10/04 and 5/10/04 to talk to the Year 5 & 6 children about fire safety.




The talk began with a video that showed the effects of hoax calls and a real time video of a set up lounge to show how quickly a fire spreads from a sofa to the whole room and then the house – just over 3 minutes







The children were then split into 4 groups and they visited the 4 different activities that the officers did with them.




Activity 1 – making and receiving a 999 call


Activity 2 – looking at a local map and discussing the shortest way for a fire crew to get to our school.




Activity 3 – Spotting fire hazards in a room.


Activity 4 – smoke detectors and making an escape plan.

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