Clubs and special events

Donation to

Birmingham Children’s Hospital



During family assembly on Friday 1st October we had a visitor from the Birmingham Children’s Hospital came to talk to our school.


He told us a little bit about the help that the Hospital has given to one of our pupils, Emily.


The whole school has been involved in raising funds for the Children’s Hospital as our way of saying Thank You for helping Emily to get better.




Emily handed over the “BIG CHEQUE” and it was big in more ways than one.


Not only was it nearly as big as Emily but it was for the huge sum of



When he received the cheque, the Birmingham Children’s Hospital representative said,

 “This is the most we have ever received from a single school anywhere in the country!”





Emily’s mum thanked the children for all their help and support - staying in with Emily at playtimes and looking after her in class.


She also told the school that Emily has received her last set of treatments from the hospital and will now only need to go for check-ups, which was great news.




Emily’s mum also wanted to give special thanks to the parents who had done a lot of work towards the fund raising, Miss Boniface and Mrs Bannister.



She also gave special thanks to Mrs Summers-Breeze who was Emily’s teacher last year when Emily was first diagnosed and during her treatment.


Good Luck for the future Emily.

We hope all your check-ups bring good news.



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