Clubs and special events

Anti-bullying Activity


Fill in the gaps in these sentences, using this website to find the information that you need.


1. Look at the section Class/Breaktime


        At breaktimes try to stay .


2. The best things to say when someone does something you don’t

     like are








3. Look at the section Is there a difference between girl and boy bullies?


        Girls tend to


        Boys tend to


4. Look at the section Where are you?


        A provocative victim will


        yet is.


        They will    


        but believes.




Bullies are. 


They enjoy.










5. Look at the section Are you a bully? Read it carefully and then answer the questions in your head. You do not need to speak to anyone about this section.


6. Now fill in your name and print this page out to take home. 


    You can print out any of the pages from the antibully website to take home and discuss with your parents if you wish.





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