Year 3 and 4 Literacy |
Mercury Class have been writing their own
stories based on traditional tales. Click on the title of the story to read
it |
Comet Class have
made poster about their favourite authors work. |
DOGS!!! Chapter 1. Once upon a time there were a family of
dogs. They went for a walk across the beach. Then they thought their porridge
would be cool. So they walked back home. When they got home there was a
surprise waiting for them. All their porridge was eaten .The dogs ran into
the living room to three broken chairs. The dogs carefully ran up stairs they
went in to the bedroom to find a cat in one of the beds. Then the cat woke
up. Chapter2 The dogs welcomed her into their home.
Then they fixed the chair. Then had Breakfast. The breakfast was
that delicious that the cat joined them. When goldicat had her breakfast she
went back home to her family. When she was at home she told her mom and dad
about that morning. They didnt believe her because she always used to tell
By Becky C and Lauren J Chapter one: The bears run away When Becky and Ben lived with their mother bears and father bear they
were very happy together. But one Saturday when Becky and Ben were born their
mother died of bear disease. So they had to live with their stepfather. Even
though they lived in a hotel in the countryside. They did not like it. Then
after some bread Becky said I have an idea
when our step bear is asleep we creep out and go to the beach. That is a clever idea, said Ben...
Chapter two: the ice cream van When they finally got there they saw a big ice cream van and wanted to eat some. But they couldnt help it so they just went to eat some anyway. Then a
person who was a very small dwarf said come on in and I will give you an ice cream said the dwarf. Look in the fridge to see if it is cold enough said the dwarf we are not tall enough said the bears. why dont you look? So he did and the bears pushed him in. so that was the end of him!!! So they decided to live on their own.
upon a time Little Red Riding Pig was bored, but then her mother called down
and shouted Go to your sisters bungalow and give her this basket to her.
Chapter two: Scream. The fox ran off. Little Red Riding Pig
called out COME BACK!. But he was already gone. When the fox got to her
sisters bungalow, the fox jumped down the chimney. He went into the bedroom
and was just going to eat Little Red Riding Pigs
sister............... Chapter Three :Toothache Then her sister said cheerfully Oh you
must be the dentist to come and see my toothache. Before the fox could answer her sister
opened her mouth and waited patiently. The fox looked down, he couldnt see
anything. Chapter four: Brush.
Then Little Red Riding Pig
knocked on the door and came in. What
she saw was very weird. Her sister had
a foxs brush sticking out of her mouth.